How To Add Video To Profile

Having video is an important next step in completing your SportsForce Profile. If you haven’t already please add video to your profile.

Depending on the type of videos (game footage or practice footage) and length, you can upload footage to your SportsForce profile using these 2 options.

Option #1: Uploading footage that is under a 150MB or about 30 secs in length. File needs to be a .mp4 or .mov. If you have compatibility issues, please let us know.

  • Once signed into your profile you can upload individual clips by clicking on the “Videos & Photos” and then selecting “Add Photo or Video” to upload files from your computer.

Option #2: Creating a YouTube Channel to upload footage that is over 150MB or over 30 secs in length.

  • We recommend creating a YouTube Channel to host longer videos on your Sportsforce Profile. You can sign up for a YouTube Account below if you don’t have one already
  • Click Here To Sign Up (Please Note: If you have a GMail address your YouTube account will be linked together with that email address and it will ask you to sign in with your email address. If you don’t have a GMail address it will ask you to sign up and create an account for you YouTube Channel.
  • Once you have created your YouTube channel you can start uploading your videos to your channel. Here is an example of a YouTube channel that you can reference:

  • After all your videos have been uploaded, you can individually add the link to each video to your profile going through the same process of logging into your profile, clicking on “Videos & Photos” and selecting “Add a video from YouTube,  hudl or Vimeo

Below is a quick tutorial to reference on uploading footage that is saved on your computer or adding a link to a video that you have on Youtube.

Video Tutorial: Adding Video to Profile

If you have any additional questions or run into any issues please let us know.

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