Contacting College Coaches

The best initial way to contact a college on your list is to send an email to their coaching staff. Sending an email to the entire coaching staff will provide a higher likelihood that the email will be viewed by a member of the coaching staff. This first email should be brief in content and should be an introduction to who the student-athlete is. This information would include; name, class, position, hometown, club team (if applicable), GPA, a few important metrics, link to video and social media pages. Introduction emails are better when they are short and to the point, and capture the attention of the coach. It is important to keep in mind that college coaches are extremely busy, and get hundreds of emails a day, the more that they have to read to get the information they desire, the less likely they will be to read it. 

It is also good to understand when the best time is to email a coach, in order for them to respond. Most coaches operate on a schedule where they check their emails and respond first thing in the morning; emailing a coach in the middle of the day provides a higher chance that they will not respond. The best time to send an email to a coach is in the evening or early in the morning, so that they will see the email and respond first thing in the morning when they arrive in the office. 

Once a college coach has responded to the student-athlete’s introduction email, it will become a little bit more clear how they would like the communication process to go. If the coaches are interested in furthering the recruiting process with the student-athlete, it will be good to send frequent updates to the coaching staff including what tournaments, showcases, and camps the student-athlete will be attending.

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