What does the regular recruiting timeline look like?
The recruiting timeline will look different based on different sports and different levels. Generally, the Division I timeline often happens earlier and the process happens a lot quicker than other levels, regardless of the sport. They will often recruit a few academic years ahead of the current academic year. For example; going into the academic year of your senior year, most of the top Division I programs are already done with their recruiting classes, and are focused on the sophomore and freshman recruiting classes. NCAA Division III, NAIA, and Junior College processes happen a lot later in the timeline, often not starting until the summer going into the student-athlete’s senior year. Most of these schools will recruit for one academic year ahead of the current year. For example; going into your senior academic year, they will be recruiting the junior class. Doing research early into the student-athlete’s high school career is extremely important for understanding what schools they will be interested in, and understanding the recruiting timeline for the level of those schools. Doing the research is the most important part of starting the process.